Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chapter 1 Notes

Chapter 1  Third

  1. (pg1) Strange that the first chapter is called ‘Third’ Irony- 
  2. What can you tell about the story through the use of two different fonts? (Its all dialog so its people talking) two different perspectives that may come together. 
  3. What person is the narrative told in? The story is told in 3rd person.
  4. We learn about a ‘special’ family.  
  5. What is the goal of the speakers at the start of the book?
  6. What are they watching and what do they decide about their subject? What type of irony is used by the audience having more information than the main character?
  7. What is interesting about the surname of the title character? What does it say about his role in the story?
  8. What perspective is the narration for the other section of the opening chapter (not the starting bit)?
  9. “Sometimes lies were more dependable than the truth.” (2) What is a possible central theme of the book?
  10. What does the title ‘Monitor’ represent to the other boys?
  11. (5) What connotations does Ender being a ‘third’ have ?
  12. What does Ender know about his intelligence in regards to the other boys?
  13. (7) What does Ender do to the bullies?
  14. The narrator is sympathetic to Ender: ‘This would not have a happy ending. So Ender decided that he would not be the unhappiest at the end.’
  15. (8) While Ender seems emotionally stable on the exterior how would you describe his emotional state on the inside?
  16. How has the perspective of the narration changed in this statement: ‘I am just like Peter. Take my monitor away; and I am just like Peter.’ What does this imply about Peter?

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