Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Auschwitz 65 Years Later

This is an image of Auschwitz taken 65 years after the closing of the camp. Take a moment to look at this photo and consider that approximately 1 million people were killed at this camp (that would be 1 out of every four people living in Sydney).

                 Key Visual Techniques
There are some powerful visual techniques being used in this photo. Take 5 minutes to point out at least 5 aspects of the photo which stand out to you and how they relate to the great anguish that was experienced at this site (create a post on your blog with the photo - don't try to copy and paste photo it won't work). IT WORKED :)

  • Consider the use of vectors, line, contrast, composition, colour, and perspective (there are more techniques)  The use of the vectors all go toward the tower which shows the power of the Germans and struggle of the Jews. All the lines of the fences and the house with all the chimneys all perpendicular. It also looks very orderly and very straight forward. Contrast of the colors are all very much the same, black and whute, and inside the fence it is much darker than on the outside. Another technique that it that they have used a dark, cloudy day so all the colors go together. 
  • How can the visual elements in the photo evoke empathy and reverence from a viewer? The visual elements of the photo can evoke empathy because we can see all the fences all heading towards the look out towers and the high barbed wire fence that is facing in toward the building.
  • How is Auschwitz represented in this photo? It is represented as an unhappy sad place with high fences, tall towers and dark, cold brick buildings.
  • Find another photo of Auschwitz that you feel has an important representation of this place that caused so much pain and destruction. Analyse the use of visual techniques which make it particularly engaging. How does it represent this location? 
This is a photo of the Jews that were in the camp. You can see

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